With summer here, I have a super cool and handy new accessory to feature! Recently I reached out to Packable Pails
about trying out their product, and they kindly agreed to allow us to try out and feature their signature item.
Their Packable Pailsfirst caught my eye on @babyguynyc - a hugely popular baby/kid product expert, if you have littles and don't follow him yet, DO IT, you'll thank me later. Anyways, summer after summer I throw away the cheap pails I picked up before vacation because they crack, end up with broken handles or just plain stink because they too flimsy or cheap. Plus, they always are also a major pain to pack and haul to the beach because they're bulky and take up a ton of space.
Packable Pails are none of these things, they're study, made out of very strong plastic, much thicker than your average Dollar Store Pail and here's the kicker, they collapse! With a unique silicone base the pail goes from a larger than average Pail into a compact package thats only about 2-3 inches high.
Now what good is a pail that collapses if it doesn't make a good sand castle?! I tested it out and found that not only does it make a decent sand castle but because of the Pail being collapsable it actually functions as two sizes. You can use it both it is fully extended size (see 3, above) and the partially extended size (see 2, above). The Pail has the classic sand castle details in it making it great for building with.
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